Green Friday


We, at AYMA, see it as our duty to raise awareness on what we buy and on how much we buy. That is why also – and especially – on Black Friday we stay true to our core values and have decided to plant ONE TREE FOR EVERY STOCKING sold today, 26th of November until Sunday, 28th of November 2021.

Trees will be planted by the organization ONETREEPLANTED and we have concentrated to plant the trees in Denmark.

Why Denmark?
This planting includes the establishment of a wildlife conservation area, specifically for the threatened hazel dormouse. It will also provide rich habitat for the many unique bird and insect species that call Denmark home. Another exciting part of this project is the allotment of a Children’s Forest, to be used for “Forest School” lessons and field trips. This will provide educational opportunities to the local community for generations to come. Last but not least, planting trees will protect Denmark’s vital watersheds by preserving groundwater and preventing wetland eutrophication. That way, Denmark’s aquatic life will have plenty of access to the oxygen they need!

What kind of trees will be planted?
To maximize the impact of your donation, a team of skilled local foresters, has selected a mix of over 25 native species, including varieties of alder, oak, ash, fir, pine, spruce, and larch. In Denmark, the long-term existence of each tree planted secured.

Black Friday gives us just another opportunity to really make an impact. Together we turn Black Friday into Green Friday!

Love, Fabienne
Owner & founder at AYMA